Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cortisol and Stress. How to Stay Healthy

Cortisol and Your Body
By Elizabeth Scott, M.S., About.com

Cortisol is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and involved in the following functions and more:

•Proper glucose metabolism
•Regulation of blood pressure
•Insulin release for blood sugar maintanence
•Immune function
•Inflammatory response

Normally, it’s present in the body at higher levels in the morning, and at its lowest at night. Although stress isn’t the only reason that cortisol is secreted into the bloodstream, it has been termed “the stress hormone” because it’s also secreted in higher levels during the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response to stress, and is responsible for several stress-related changes in the body. Small increases of cortisol have some positive effects:

•A quick burst of energy for survival reasons
•Heightened memory functions
•A burst of increased immunity
•Lower sensitivity to pain
•Helps maintain homeostasis in the body

While cortisol is an important and helpful part of the body’s response to stress, it’s important that the body’s relaxation response to be activated so the body’s functions can return to normal following a stressful event. Unfortunately, in our current high-stress culture, the body’s stress response is activated so often that the body doesn’t always have a chance to return to normal, resulting in a state of chronic stress.

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (like those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as:

•Impaired cognitive performance
•Suppressed thyroid function
•Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
•Decreased bone density
•Decrease in muscle tissue
•Higher blood pressure
•Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
•Increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body.

Some of the health problems associated with increased stomach fat are heart attacks, strokes, the development of , higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can lead to other health problems!

To keep cortisol levels healthy and under control, the body’s relaxation response should be activated after the fight or flight response occurs. You can learn to relax your body with various stress management techniques, and you can make lifestyle changes in order to keep your body from reacting to stress in the first place. The following have been found by many to be very helpful in relaxing the body and mind, aiding the body in maintaining healthy cortisol levels:

•Guided Imagery
•Listening to Music
•Breathing Exercises
•Other Techniques

Cortisol secretion varies among individuals. People are biologically ‘wired’ to react differently to stress. One person may secrete higher levels of cortisol than another in the same situation. Studies have also shown that people who secrete higher levels of cortisol in response to stress also tend to eat more food, and food that is higher in carbohydrates than people who secrete less cortisol. If you’re more sensitive to stress, it’s especially important for you to learn stress management techniques and maintain a low-stress lifestyle.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Beware of Counterfeits!

I was at the grocery store yesterday and had to shake my head at all of the deceptive labels with everything claiming all sorts of things that are supposedly "healthy", but aren't really.

One of the things that really disturbed me was that I saw several examples of healthy foods in their natural state, but I saw counterfeit versions of these foods claiming that they were healthier than the original...

Yet in reality, all of these counterfeit versions were actually MUCH worse for you than the original... and they still have the balls to claim that their overly processed "junkified" versions are better.

This is food marketing deception at it's worst!

**Example #1: Product claiming "Better than peanut butter"

This product is ludicrous! I can't believe anyone would ever believe that this junk is better for them than natural peanut butter.

First of all, if you buy a good simple peanut butter (organic is best), it is usually nothing but 2 ingredients... peanuts and salt. And they don't add much salt so it's not high in sodium.

However, this counterfeit peanut butter which claimed it was "better than peanut butter" (trying to seem healthier than peanut butter based on it's label claims) had a list of junk in it you wouldn't believe. First of all, they strip all of the healthy fats out of the peanuts so that it is a "low fat" product. Ok, now you've just taken away one of the healthiest parts of the product...the appetite satisfying healthy fats that you need to control cravings and manage more stable blood sugar levels.

To make things worse, the healthy fats were replaced with 2 different types of sugary syrups as well as additional dehydrated cane juice (aka SUGAR), in addition to added refined starches.

This product has taken something as simple and natural as peanut butter, and turned it into what should really be called some sort of processed candy. Yet, they claim that it's healthier than peanut butter. And somehow they get away with deceiving people like this. Don't be their fool!

**Example #2: Product claiming to be "better than eggs".

I won't get as detailed on this one because I recently talked about this entire topic in another newsletter.

But basically, this product was just egg whites with a bunch of added chemical colorings, flavorings, and other nonsense, including fake added vitamins.

Again, this product has essentially ruined a good thing by removing the healthiest part... the YOLKS! And yes, the yolks ARE the healthiest part of the egg. Anybody that tells you different doesn't understand much about true nutrition. The important thing to look for in quality whole eggs are cage-free and organic.

**Example #3: A product claiming to be "better than butter".

This was essentially crappy margarine loaded with highly processed and deadly trans fats, yet it had the nerve to claim it was "better than butter".

Heck NO!

Even low quality butter is healthier than any margarine. One problem with butter is pesticides and hormones from improperly raised cows.

For this reason, you always want to choose organic butter, and if you can find "grass-fed" butter, then I would even say it can be healthy for you. In fact, adding a little butter to your steamed vegetables helps your body to absorb more of the vitamins and minerals in the veggies.

Also, due to the content of stable saturated fats in butter, this makes butter one of the best oils to cook with. Oils high in polyunsaturated oils are the worst to cook with due to their highly unstable nature.

And no, the saturated fat in butter is NOT bad for you!

If you found the topics in today's newsletter interesting, do your friends, family, and co-workers a favor and fwd this email to them.

For more information go to TruthAboutAbs.com

Til next time... Don't be lazy... be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - Truth about Abs

Saturday, July 18, 2009

6 Secrets to Six Pack Abs!

I wanted to give you 6 things you can do starting today
that will help you get six-pack abs.


1) Do away with the crunches and sit ups. In real life, your
abs are used to stabilize your body, so you should train them
as such. That means getting rid of crunches and adding
more movements to your routine like push ups, planks and
squats. Besides, crunches aren't fat burning exercises, so
they play no role in getting rid of belly fat.

2) Focus on compound movements. What I'm talking about here
is simply doing exercises that work more than one muscle group
at a time. Again, in real life, your body works as one integrated
unit. Doing isolation movements like crunches, bicep curls
and leg extensions that only work one muscle group at a time
is not the way your body was made to function. Focus on
movements that work more than one muscle group at a time,
like push ups, pull ups, sprinting, squats, lunges, step ups,
etc. Plus when you work many muscle groups at once, you can
shorten your workout, saving you time. Isn't that sweet? : )

3) Pay attention to what you eat. Concentrate on eating foods
that are in their natural state. The fewer ingredients a food
has, the better. Eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout
the day and make sure you include breakfast and a meal after
you workout that has a carb to protein ratio of about 3 to 1.
Your diet should contain plenty of fruits and vegetables, eggs,
nuts, seeds, lean protein, fish, sweet potatoes, almond butter,
olive oil, oatmeal, etc.

4) Ramp up your cardio training. Walking on a treadmill isn't
going to cut it. Make sure to add in some interval training
alternating between short bursts of high intensity exercise
with longer bouts of lower intensity exercises. For even
better results, vary your interval training. Try hill sprints,
regular sprints, jump rope intervals, squat thrust intervals,
treadmill, etc.

5) Train your back. A lot of people only focus on the
muscles that they can see, like arms, crunches, chest and
shoulders. But what about your hamstrings, and upper and lower
back? Your body needs balance and these muscles shouldn't
be ignored. Some of the best exercises you can do for these
are pull ups, back extensions, supermans, stability ball
hamstring curls, deadlifts and one legged step ups.

6) Hire a coach. Studies have shown that if you have a coach
or a support partner or team, you will be much more likely to
achieve your goals. It is important to know exactly what to
do and have someone guide you through the process.

You can consider trying Scott Colby’s “ My First Six Pack” which is a coaching program designed to walk you through the process of getting six-pack abs.

I hope these tips help you. Put them into practice today
and I promise you'll be well on your way to being able
to show off your new body in your swimsuit in no time.

Have a great day!

In good Health!

Linda and Rachel

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Most Natural Mood Enhancer on the Market!

The mood-enhancing effects of exercise are well documented, but a study presented in May at the 56th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), in Seattle, suggests that the benefits may last much longer than previously thought.

The study enrolled healthy men and women to complete a survey about their mood states at 1-, 2-, 4-, 8-, 12- and 24-hour intervals following either exercise or rest. While previous studies have noted improvements in mood for up to an hour after exercise, this study found that benefits lasted as long as 12 hours following activity, compared with rest.

“These positive effects on mood occurred in all types of participants, regardless of age, gender or fitness level,” said lead author Jeremy Sibold, EdD, ATC. “In some cases, exercise may be able to complement other standard therapies as a cost-effective alternative in the treatment of mental health issues.”

Test subjects performed exercise at 60% of aerobic capacity, indicating that moderate-intensity exercise—like walking or light cycling—is enough to boost mood.

Because the mood-enhancing effects of exercise fade after more than 12 hours, it’s important to make physical activity a daily habit, says Sibold. ACSM guidelines support the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services' 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which recommend that adults participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, which can be achieved in 30-minute segments over 5 days.

In other research, investigators have found that even major depression responds to consistent exercise.

IDEA Fit Tips, Volume 7, Number 7

Monday, July 13, 2009

The 1% Rule for Losing Fat and Getting Fit!

by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist

So, what is the “1% rule?” Well, what this means is that it really only takes 1% of your given time every week to keep yourself in top shape…

Let’s think about it in terms of your available time… if you dedicate only 25 minutes per day, 4 days per week to a good exercise routine, that’s only 100 total minutes per week. Considering that you have 1440 minutes in each day multiplied by 7 days equals 10,080 minutes per week of total time.

So now look at those 100 minutes per week dedicated to exercise and divide that into the 10,080 minutes total that you have in a week, and that represents approx 1% of your total time in any given week.

1% of your time… that’s it!

When you think about it in those terms… isn’t it really ridiculous when you hear someone say that they “don’t have time to workout”… it’s actually almost comical that someone would claim they can’t dedicate 1% of their time every week to exercise.

So based on that rule, I wanted to share an article with you. written by Mike Geary, the author of Truth About Abs. We Love him and all he stands for. We hope this gets you motivated!
Why Do You Miss Workouts? Stop the Procrastination and Excuses and Start Working Out!

Here’s a common theme I see all the time at the gym…

Somebody that was doing well working out and finally starting to get results at the gym all of the sudden stops coming in for several months.

When they eventually come back and start working out again a couple months later, they’re usually back in horrible shape, have gained back all the weight or more, and lost most of their strength gains that they worked so hard for.

So while talking to them, I’ll ask where they have been the last couple months, and that’s when the excuses start…

•Perhaps it was that they had a special assignment at work and have been “too busy” to work out lately
•Or perhaps it was that they had a shoulder or arm injury so they thought that they couldn’t work out during this time
•Or perhaps they had a knee, ankle, or leg injury so they thought they couldn’t work out.
•Or perhaps they were busy with house renovations, or family issues, or too busy with the kids, etc, etc, etc… excuse, excuse, excuse

You can see where I’m going with this… if your health & fitness and how you look and feel is important to you, then there is no such thing as an excuse. Either you want it, or you don’t, and it’s either going to be a priority in your life, or it’s not!

After all, your health and fitness determines not only how good you’re going look and feel every day that you’re on this planet, but also how long you’ll exist on this earth to enjoy the time you have with your friends and family… So with all of that said, why wouldn’t you make your fitness a priority in your life!

Here’s my opinion on the example excuses above…

Excuse #1 – Too busy at work:

Ok, so why don’t you squeeze in really brief but really intense 5 minute workouts before and after work each day… after all, that’s only 10 minutes of your time, and despite popular belief you CAN stay in excellent shape working out as little as 5 or 10 minutes a day (as long as your time is well spent with the right exercises and right intensity).

“Too busy at work” excuse busted!

Excuse #2 – Shoulder or arm injury so haven’t worked out:

Bum shoulder… so what… are you saying your legs and abs don’t work all of the sudden just because your arm or shoulder is hurt? After all, most of your fat loss and metabolism-boosting results come from lower body based exercises anyway, as they burn more calories due to the larger muscle groups involved.

Your upper body injury just gives you a good reason to focus even more intensely on your lower body, abs, and interval training during this period when you won’t be able to do upper body exercises.

Shoulder injury excuse busted!

Excuse #3 – Knee, ankle, or leg injury so haven’t worked out:

Ok, so now you’re saying that just because you have a leg injury, that somehow your upper body no longer works? Even if you need to walk in there on crutches, and then do nothing but seated upper body exercises, that’s a lot better than doing nothing and letting your entire body get weak and soft during while your leg heals.

Knee or leg injury excuse busted!

Now don’t get mad at me about these injury excuses… Believe me, I DO understand that there are some serious injuries and disorders that do prevent some people from doing any exercise at all. However, for most minor injuries, there’s no excuse not to at least continue doing some form of exercise.

Excuse #4 – Too busy with the house, family, kids, etc:

Once again we need to get back to priorities. If your house and kids are priorities, why wouldn’t your health and fitness be top priorities also, so that you can enjoy your life and everything and everyone in it!

Remember, you don’t need to work out for hours every day to be in great shape. It’s all about maximizing the intensity and amount of full body musculature you work in a given time period, even if that time period is just a brief 4 minute daily workout.

(In fact, Linda and I have provided you with these short workouts throughout our blog/website)
Excuse #4 busted!

I know I take a hard-nosed approach with this stuff, but if finally getting into shape is important to you, nothing less will do, than to adopt a true fitness lifestyle and mindset.

I hope today’s article helps trigger some new motivation if you’ve struggled in the past with excuses or procrastination to getting in shape.

Til next time, don’t be lazy… be lean.

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Author – world-wide best seller: The Truth about Six Pack Abs

Friday, June 26, 2009

Can you get fit in 6 minutes a week?

NY TIMES, June 24

By Gretchen Reynolds

A few years ago, researchers at the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Japan put rats through a series of swim tests with surprising results. They had one group of rodents paddle in a small pool for six hours, this long workout broken into two sessions of three hours each. A second group of rats were made to stroke furiously through short, intense bouts of swimming, while carrying ballast to increase their workload. After 20 seconds, the weighted rats were scooped out of the water and allowed to rest for 10 seconds, before being placed back in the pool for another 20 seconds of exertion. The scientists had the rats repeat these brief, strenuous swims 14 times, for a total of about four-and-a-half minutes of swimming. Afterward, the researchers tested each rat’s muscle fibers and found that, as expected, the rats that had gone for the six-hour swim showed preliminary molecular changes that would increase endurance. But the second rodent group, which exercised for less than five minutes also showed the same molecular changes.

The potency of interval training is nothing new. Many athletes have been straining through interval sessions once or twice a week along with their regular workout for years. But what researchers have been looking at recently is whether humans, like that second group of rats, can increase endurance with only a few minutes of strenuous exercise, instead of hours? Could it be that most of us are spending more time than we need to trying to get fit?

The answer, a growing number of these sports scientists believe, may be yes.

“There was a time when the scientific literature suggested that the only way to achieve endurance was through endurance-type activities,” such as long runs or bike rides or, perhaps, six-hour swims, says Martin Gibala, PhD, chairman of the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. But ongoing research from Gibala’s lab is turning that idea on its head. In one of the group’s recent studies, Gibala and his colleagues had a group of college students, who were healthy but not athletes, ride a stationary bike at a sustainable pace for between 90 and 120 minutes. Another set of students grunted through a series of short, strenuous intervals: 20 to 30 seconds of cycling at the highest intensity the riders could stand. After resting for four minutes, the students pedaled hard again for another 20 to 30 seconds, repeating the cycle four to six times (depending on how much each person could stand), “for a total of two to three minutes of very intense exercise per training session,” Gibala says.

Each of the two groups exercised three times a week. After two weeks, both groups showed almost identical increases in their endurance (as measured in a stationary bicycle time trial), even
though the one group had exercised for six to nine minutes per week, and the other about five hours. Additionally, molecular changes that signal increased fitness were evident equally in both groups. “The number and size of the mitochondria within the muscles” of the students had increased significantly, Gibala says, a change that, before this work, had been associated almost exclusively with prolonged endurance training. Since mitochondria enable muscle cells to use oxygen to create energy, “changes in the volume of the mitochondria can have a big impact on endurance performance.” In other words, six minutes or so a week of hard exercise (plus the time spent warming up, cooling down, and resting between the bouts of intense work) had proven to be as good as multiple hours of working out for achieving fitness. The short, intense workouts aided in weight loss, too, although Gibala hadn’t been studying that effect. “The rate of energy expenditure remains higher longer into recovery” after brief, high-intensity exercise than after longer, easier workouts, Gibala says. Other researchers have found that similar, intense, brief sessions of exercise improve cardiac health, even among people with heart disease.

There’s a catch, though. Those six minutes, if they’re to be effective, must hurt. “We describe it as an ‘all-out’ effort,” Gibala says. You’ll be straying “well out of your comfort zone.” That level of discomfort makes some activities better-suited to intense training than others. “We haven’t studied runners,” Gibala says. The pounding involved in repeated sprinting could lead to injuries, depending on a runner’s experience and stride mechanics. But cycling and swimming work well. “I’m a terrible swimmer,” Gibala says, “so every session for me is intense, just because my technique is so awful.”

Meanwhile, his lab is studying whether people could telescope their workouts into even less time. Could a single, two- to three-minute bout of intense exercise confer the same endurance and health benefits as those six minutes of multiple intervals? Gibala is hopeful. “I’m 41, with two young children,” he says. “I don’t have time to go out and exercise for hours.” The results should be available this fall.

For more information on interval training, go to Turbulence Training.com

In good health,

Rachel and Linda

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Upper Body Fat Burning Workout

Here's a challenging upper body workout that takes about 45 minutes to do. For any of you who have been following me, you know I tore my calf muscle the other day so I am limited as to what I can do. And if you know me personally, you can imagine how crazy its making me. Taking it easy is not my strength, but I am assuming this is my body's way of telling me I need to slow down. So, for a couple of days I rested and am now trying to be creative so that I don't have to totally stop exercising. Im just trying to be smart about it!

So here is the workout I did today--Do two sets for the warm up and then 2-3 sets for each circuit with 30 secs -1min rest between each circuit.

Warm up:
1) Bodyweight squats 15 (I didn't do these, but it's a good warm up exercise for you)
2) Pushups 10-15
3) Dumbell Swings 20

*Do two sets of above exercises and move on to workout

Circuit A:
1A) Pullups (substitute w/ Lat pulldowns if can't do pullups) 10
2A) 1 Arm overhead press 10 each

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Circuit B:
1B) Dumbbell Row 12
2B) DB Bench Press 10
3B) Stability Ball rollout 15

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Circuit C:
1C) Incline Bench Press 10
2C) Rear Delts 10

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Circuit D:
1D) Bicep curl 10
2D) Tricep Kickback 10
3D) Stability ball Jacknife 15

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Enjoy the workout and let me know how you do.For additional workouts similar to the one above, please check out Turbulence Training <== Click here for more fat loss workouts.

Also, feel free to post any ideas, as to what I can do for the next few weeks of recovery. Any workout ideas would be great!!!!

Thank you!

Have a great day and a Happy Father's Day to all!!!

Rachel and Linda

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Healthy Snack Options

Did you ever have one of those days when you’re running nonstop and don’t get to a chance to eat?

You don’t have the time to stop. You didn’t think to wrap a handful of nuts in a napkin and throw it in bottomless pit you call your purse. And the last time you grabbed an apple on the run you almost choked on it while you where driving and dropped the core under the seat of your car where it’s still fermenting!

This was my day today and pretty much everyday! Being a busy mom of two teenagers, a Personal Trainer and the chief cook and bottle washer of my castle keeps me busy just about all of the time. I barely have time to make breakfast lunch and dinner never the less worry about the snacks in between. And let’s be honest, sometimes an apple just doesn’t cut it. You want something more, more than a fruit!

That’s how I was today. Call it hormonal cravings, whatever? But if my shoelaces where dipped in chocolate I probably would’ve eaten them. I was not only hungry for good healthy food and unable to take the time to stop and eat but I wanted the old hormonal chocolate fix! I was stuck! Nothing in the bottom of my purse, nothing in the glove compartment, absolutely dry, bare to the bone!

Now, my diet does NOT include those chocolaty, nutty, gooey candy bars that are supposedly “nutritious” and “good for you”. I really don’t believe in eating a product with ingredients I can’t pronounce. So grabbing one of “those” was out of the question. What to do?

I’ll tell you what I should’ve done, what I’m going to do next time and what you all should do!

Next time I’m going to grab a CRAVER! Yep, it’s called a CRAVER and take it from me, a person that must watch what she eats all of the time, Cravers are a healthy alternative to eating junk! One craver is 180 calories and made with 100% organic dark chocolate!

So why do they call them CRAVERS? Try them and you’ll know immediately! They come in three flavors that speak for themselves; Peanut butter, Almond Butter and Spirlina. 180 healthy calories that you can take with you, anytime, anywhere!

Seriously, this isn't your ordinary "tastes like chemicals or cardboard' nutritional bar.”

Don’t believe me? Do yourself a favor and go to GetPrograde/Cravers and read the ingredients. 100% Organic Dark Chocolate, 100% Organic cocoa, Organic Agave, Organic Brown Rice, need I say more?

Also, check out their meal replacement shake at GetPrograde/Lean. It’s a fast 35 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. Just what you need to keep your energy up, fat down and metabolizing all day long!

Prograde.com <===== CLICK HERE to check out the best line of nutritional supplements on the market.

To Your Health

Rachel and Linda

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Two Flat Stomach Secrets

By Holly Rigsby
Creator of FitYummyMummy.com

Have you tried everything under the sun to get a flat stomach, only to come up disappointed? Have you fallen prey to all the gimmicks, fad diets and shameless infomercials promising you that elusive flat stomach that you desire?

Well fret no more, I’m going to let you in on the two ‘secrets’ that will help you shed unwanted fat and reveal your toned, flat stomach once and for all.

The first secret for a flat stomach is eating supportively. While this doesn’t seem like a secret at all, most women get this wrong in spite of their best – but misguided – efforts. Women have fallen prey to low-fat, low-carb, Hollywood, grapefruit, South Beach and every other over hyped diet that marketers can dream up, all in hopes of shedding those unwanted pounds. But eating supportively is isn’t about dieting or deprivation; it’s about moderation and balance. While cutting carbs or fats out of your nutrition plan might give you a temporary loss of a couple of pounds, it’s typically followed by a drop in metabolism and a weight gain of more than you lost in the first place once you go back to your old eating habits.

So what is eating supportively? Eating supportively is having protein and carbohydrates at every meal. It’s grazing on 4-6 meals or snack each day instead of missing meals and then gorging yourself. It’s enjoying a healthy breakfast and not drinking your calories. But most of all, eating supportively is enjoying the foods you love in moderation instead of in excess.

If eating supportively is the first secret to a flat stomach, then what’s the second?

The second flat stomach secret is resistance training. Unfortunately, just as fad diets have stood in the path of women achieving the flat stomachs they so desired, so have the myths of spot reduction and cardio being the best method for fat loss. Late night infomercials have long promoted gadgets that promised to spot reduce those trouble spots that women struggle with and sucked us in with testimonials from fitness models that undoubtedly picked up a nifty paycheck for endorsing their wares. But spot reduction is a myth. Think about it – have you ever met someone with a flat stomach and fat arms? Didn’t think so. If spot reduction was possible then undoubtedly one of these happy customers would have toned and tightened their stomach, yet kept their flabby arms.

The other myth that has led women astray is the belief that cardio is the best solution for fat loss. Treadmill manufacturers have sold the virtues of the ‘fat burning zone’ and led us to believe that we could plod along on a treadmill watching Oprah and before long a flat stomach would be ours.

These two myths have diverted us from the path of what really does work – resistance training. Resistance training is a flat stomach’s best friend because not only does an effective resistance training session burn plenty of calories while you’re doing it, but it keeps you’re metabolism revved long after you’re done. One recent study showed that you’re metabolism would stay elevated for over 36 hours after a resistance training session.

Try to get that out of an aerobics class.

And there’s another benefit of resistance training when it comes to getting a flat stomach. The lean muscle that you gain will raise you’re resting metabolic rate and help you burn more fat all day long, each and every day.

There you have it, two ‘secrets’ that are guaranteed to boost your metabolism and give you that flat stomach you’ve been longing for. So ditch the diet books and the aerobics classes and start eating supportively and resistance training. Before long that flat stomach will finally be yours.

About the Author:
Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to FitYummyMummy.com to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."

P.S. For additional workouts, nutrition information and numerous ways to burn that fat, check out Craig Ballantyne’s Turbulence Training

Saturday, June 6, 2009

20 minute fat burning workout!

Good morning.

I just got back from a great kick a@@ workout and I wanted to share it with you. I have to admit, yesterday my eating was not so good. It was a rainy, gloomy day and I was home all day....which is not good for my diet! I didn't eat terrible, just too much because I was around all day. The key for me is to get out, so the food is not always in my face. The bottom line is, healthy food has calories too.

So, that being said, I decided I needed to get out and work this morning! I was going to go for my typical 3 1/2 mile run, just to get out and get moving. However, once I got out, I changed my mind.

We have this awesome hill in town, which for most, is challenging to just walk up. It's is perfect for me because it's about 3 minute slow run from my house--the perfect warm up. That's what I did. Ran to the hill deciding on my way there what kind of workout I was going to do.

The workout kind of just happened for me and this is what I did:


warm up 3 min jog
Hill sprint 25 secs
walk down 30 secs

*Repeat for a total of 8 sprints

That is usually my workout, but it's amazing what a bad eating day can do-- so I decided to continue as follows:

Walking lunges up the hill (40 total or 20 each leg) ......OMG, talk about a burn!
walk down
Repeat for a total of 3X

Cool down by running home.

I have to say, it was a great workout and it only took me 20 minutes. I even had time to go home, get my dog and walk her into town for coffee and bagels (for the kids, of course!). She is recovering from ACL surgery, so it's baby steps for her! NOT that she'd ever be able to run with me anyway (you can see in her photo--not a runner!), but we love our walks.

This type of workout is sooo much more efficient, as well as you burn way more fat, than the typical 30-45 minutes on a treadmill or whatever your machine of choice. So, get out and find a hill or someplace that will challenge you and push yourself! You don't have to run, but make sure you challenge yourself. Put an end to long, slow cardio for once and for all. It's only 20 minutes of your day......You just have to do it!

Please comment and let me know what you think.

For more interval type training workouts, check out ==> http://Tinyurl.com/offdl4

Have a great workout and an awesome day!


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

7- Minute Weight Loss Circuit

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training

One thing we have to lose from our workout mindsets is the idea of this "60-minute workout". Forget about spending that much time in the gym. Instead, choose better exercises that are more efficient. This will allow you to get your workout done faster, eliminating the "no time" workout excuse.

To do so, you need to eliminate irrelevant exercises. I know you want to do an exercise for shoulders, and one for arms, and one for abs, and one for this and that. But before you do, ask yourself, will these really get me to my goal, or have I just been convinced by bodybuilding magazines that I need 40 sets per workout to get results?

Now, taking those lessons, we can then create some pretty incredible bodyweight workouts as well. And these bodyweight workouts can get finished fast!

In fact, here is a 7-minute bodyweight circuit that can help you lose weight, burn calories, and blast your metabolism. You don't need machines or weights. You can do this anywhere!

  • Bodyweight squat (10-20 reps)

  • Pushup (10-20 reps) - do it on your knees if you must

  • Reverse Lunge (10 reps per leg)

  • Plank (30 second hold)

  • Close-grip Pushup (10-20 reps)

  • Side Plank (20 second hold per side)

  • Mountain Climber (10 reps per side)
Do this with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute at the end of the 7-minute circuit and repeat up to 3 times.

If you are a beginner, do fewer reps and take longer rests.

It's a tough, tough bodyweight circuit, especially the combination of two exercises late in the circuit. This combo literally exhausted me to my knees...twice...before I was able to finish the circuit.You can do the circuit up to 3 times.

Another weapon in your fat loss arsenal. Now you'll know how to train efficiently and eat effectively for fat loss.

Don't wait any longer to get started! Get all of these bodyweight exercises, and more, in the Turbulence Training workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home. No more annoying drives to the gym, waiting in line for machines in an uncomfortable environment, or being intimidated by the super-buff gym bunnies. Lose fat, get fit, and workout your way - at home with only a bench, a ball, and dumbbells.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

About the Author
Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit TurbulenceTraining.com

Monday, May 25, 2009

Is it More than Just "Looking Great?"

For the people that don’t know me (outside of the cyberspace fitness world) and for the ones that do, I am not only a Personal Trainer, wife and mother but the proverbial “meat” on the sandwich of the “sandwich generation”. Meaning, I cater to and take care of my kids, husband, my lovely golden retriever Daisy May, the other kids on the block, animals and whoever else knocks on my door. In addition to all this craziness, I also take care of MY MOTHER.

Isn’t that what the definition of the “sandwich generation” is? The generation that takes care of their kids and parents at the same time.

As the old saying goes “when it rains it pours” and as for me, well there’s a black cloud over me that’s been creating thunder storms for a few weeks now. The clincher was a couple of days ago when my 76 year old mother lost her balance and fell while planting flowers in a pot on my front stoop. Thankfully, she didn’t seriously injure herself but did fracture her wrist and seriously hurt her hand. For an older woman this will set her back and will take a long time for her to recuperate. I’ve watched my mom struggle with pain, stiffness and arthritis for years now and can’t help to think that if she had followed an exercise routine and was more active as a young adult would she be suffering as much from her ailments today?

Rachel and I started LoseFatLiveHealthy.com because we truly believe from our hearts that part of living life to the fullest involves a healthy diet and exercise. By now most of you are familiar with the newsletters and articles we have sent out. We’ve written about healthy diets, poor nutrition, workouts that burn fat and boost metabolism, how to get tight abs, sexy arms and rock solid buns. Some of you embrace the information and crave for more. Others dismiss it thinking it’s not for you, too advanced, you’re not ready to commit, these workouts are only for gym rats yada, yada, yada…..BUT did you ever think that all the information that we send can be used as preventative medicine?

Eating healthy, exercising and living a fit life isn’t all about tight butts, sexy arms and ripped abs. Yes, they are all welcome benefits to being fit and who wouldn’t want a tight fit body to show off. BUT following a daily regimen of good healthy foods, plenty of water and staying active all adds up to a strong body, strong immune system and defying the odds when it comes to growing old. Let’s face it, as we get older we are more and more susceptible to illness and disease. If not taken care of, our bodies can break down and our bones can and will become weak and brittle. If my mom had years of moderate exercised behind her, maybe she wouldn’t have lost her balance and if so been strong enough to break her fall without fracturing her wrist.

As fitness professionals we encourage people to strengthen their bodies by offering them many different training methods that can and are intended to be modified for any level fitness enthusiast. Turbulence Training , Truth About Abs, and Better U Fitness are all programs that will strengthen your whole body starting with the Core. Stability and balance originate from the Core. A strong Core reduces risk of injury and helps in daily functions such as; lifting grocery bags, climbing steps, walking, running, reaching.

When we send out “sexy” arm workouts it’s not only to get sexy arms. Strong arms aid in lifting and carrying. A strong back helps with your posture. Strong legs will enable you to walk with a better stride and help climb stairs. All of which are preventative medicine that will enable you to journey through life healthy and fit.

Our nutritionist, Isabel Del Rosi, founder of The Diet Solution talks about eating healthy and how to create a healthy body with good nutrition and the dangers of aspartame and dairy. What works for different body types, for YOU! Again, preventative medicine!

Rachel and I are committed to building healthy bodies. When you open up our newsletters consider it to be an invitation to a new healthy you. Not just another workout to get ripped abs but rather ammunition to ward off all of the toxins that will take a toll on your body over time. It’s in our interest to modify any exercise in order to get the beginner started or to challenge the experienced athlete. The E-Books, we are currently working on, will be full of challenging workouts and information on how to get motivated and stay motivated, nutrition and helpful techniques to get you wearing the body and living the fit life you want and deserve!

To Your Health!

Rachel and Linda

Friday, May 22, 2009

Grilled Rosemary-Lemon Skewers

Here is the perfect dish to serve at your next barbecue. It is tasty, low-fat and easy to prepare. Give it a try and PLEASE let us know what you think!

The rosemary, lemon and olive oil marinade gives this easy dish a Mediterranean flair. It’s easy to make, light and delicious.

Serve with a fresh green salad and a side of brown rice or quinoa for a complete meal.

Recipe: (serves 4)
  • ¼ cup fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp. minced fresh rosemary
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken tenders
  • Bamboo skewers

1. Combine first five ingredients in a resealable Ziploc bag. Add chicken tenders and marinate in refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

2. Soak Bamboo skewers in water for 30 minutes.

3. Heat grill to medium. Thread chicken onto bamboo skewers and grill 3-4 minutes on each side or until juices run clear.

Nutrition facts (per serving):

194 calories, 24 g. protein, 2 g carbs, 7 g fat, 0 g fiber, 64 mg cholesterol, 222 mg sodium, 0.5 g sugar.

I promise it won’t disappoint……and if you are looking for more healthy, low fat meals, check out The Diet Solution.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Healthy Pancake Recipe

Hi all

Since we are constantly trying to come up with healthy choices when it comes to fat loss, I decided to share one of my favorite recipes. It is a simple, yummy breakfast idea for the whole family....and it's healthy too! Not to mention, delicious!

It's my oatmeal pancakes. Now... before you decide, yuck, I don't like oatmeal or cottage cheese or whatever it is you think may turn you away from trying them...keep reading. Not only are they delicious, but I promise, they do not taste like oatmeal. They actually taste like real pancakes and the way I know that is because my 4 kids (pickiest eaters ever), all love them! (Of course, I didn't tell them what was in them until they tried them). My kids who range in age from 11-15, all said they taste like "regular pancakes". They ate them with syrup, as they always eat pancakes and they actualy loved them.

So, here's the recipe. Give them a try and be sure to let me kow what you think.

Oatmeal pancake recipe:

  • 1/2 cup instant oatmeal (quaker or Irish-Not Sweetened)

  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese (low fat)

  • 1/2 cup eggwhites (I use egg whites from EggWhites International)

  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder (optional) can use vanilla extract

  • Cinnamon
  • 1 packet of stevia (or sweetener of choice)

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until it is the consistency of pancake batter.

Use Pam or whatever cooking spray you prefer and cook like pancakes.

Serve and enjoy!!

Also, I had leftover, so after they cooled off I put them in a ziploc bag and stuck them in the refrigerator. I don't always have time to make them, so my daughter loves to heat them up and eat them before school. So, my tip is......make more than you'll eat and save them. They're easy, quick and YUMMY!!

Let me know what you think and if you have any great, healthy recipes, please share them with us. We love new recipes.

To good Health!!!

Rachel and Linda

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Low Carb vs. Low Fat

I'm sure you've probably seen all of the headlines and media debate lately over the low carb vs low fat study results that were released recently.

I'm not going to talk in detail about that today, because it seems everyone has been talking about it, and the study itself had many flaws and inconsistencies.

The fact that so many people are STILL searching for some type of diet "gimmick" saddens me.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting someone who I consider to be one of the most knowledgeable nutrition experts I've come across over the years.

Her name is Isabel De Los Rios and I was extremely impressed by her new program she put together at:

The-non-diet <=== Click Here

If you want to sift through all of the confusion out there these days about nutrition, this site is definitely for you.

Here are some of the great topics that Isabel demystifies regarding your diet:

*How to determine the exact types of foods that are most appropriate for your specific body and metabolism type. After all, we are all different, so 1 specific diet is NEVER right for everyone.

*The dangers of eating certain types of soy products... which types are ok in moderation, and which types shouldn't be eaten at all, unless you WANT more belly fat!

*What you need to know about dairy before ever buying another dairy product again

*Why "whole grains" are not always as healthy as the label claims, but how this "other type" of grain is a contender for superfood lists

*Is organic food worth the price?

*Over 100 healthy meal plans and even detailed shopping lists

*The honest truth about carbohydrates and how much you really need

*The major misconceptions about dietary fat that you need to know about

*Ideal protein-carb-fat ratios based on your specific metabolism and body type

*Everything you need to know about salt, sweeteners, alcohol, and more

In my opinion, this program is a MUST-READ for everyone that cares about their health and that of their loved ones, and wants to finally fully understand nutrition and how to get a lean body for life.

Make sure to grab a copy of Isabel's program today:

The-non-diet <=== Click Here

I loved this and I know you will too... Enjoy!

I'll be back soon with more lean-body training and nutrition secrets.

Don't be lazy... be lean.

Mike Geary Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder - Truth About Abs

Monday, May 11, 2009

Skip the Elevator, Take the Stairs-NYTimes.com

Fitness Great Workout, Forget the View

THE 1,576 STEPS Competitors in the 2009 Empire State Building Run-Up on Feb. 3. The winner climbed 86 floors in 10 minutes 7 seconds.

Published: February 18, 2009

EIGHTEEN years ago, Ronnie Guie considered buying a treadmill or a stair-climbing machine to stay in shape. Then one day on his lunch hour at Con Edison in Astoria, Queens, two co-workers invited Mr. Guie to take a walk to the top of the 10-floor building. He was breathing heavily by the time he got there, but was hooked: he had found his workout for free.

“For me, it’s a quick fix,” he said.

At 59, Mr. Guie says he still has the same waist size (30 inches) and weight range (150 to 155 pounds) that he did when he was 17, thanks to his five-day-a-week regimen. He climbs the concrete stairs usually 10 times or so in an hour, depending how much time he has. “I get the results out of it — and it’s not easy,” he said. “But I always feel great.”

Stairs are everywhere, of course, but they are rarely embraced as an option for getting into shape. They wait in the stale air wells of high-rises (especially in dense urban centers like New York City), or on stationary machines in the corners of health clubs now inundated by the more popular, but less strenuous, elliptical machines. Many stairwells aren’t even accessible, often because of post-9/11 security concerns. But when they are, or are opened especially for runners going up, they provide a workout that returns maximum value in minimum time, with low impact. And going up is much better for your knees than going down.

“Stair climbing will give you a little more bang for your buck because of the vertical component,” said Cedric Bryant, chief science officer for the American Council on Exercise. Compared to jogging or cycling at a moderate pace without much of an incline, stair climbing, Dr. Bryant said, “will be a bit more challenging and therefore allow you to burn more calories for that same amount of time.”

Once a year, Mr. Guie goes for the ultimate burn. On Feb. 3, he and 318 other climbers competed in the 32nd annual Empire State Building Run-Up, racing up 86 floors and 1,576 stairs. Taking two at a time, Mr. Guie reached the observation deck in 19 minutes 34 seconds. The winner of the invitational race, Thomas Dold, 24, of Germany, finished in 10:07.

The New York Road Runners organizes the invitation-only event to satisfy stir-crazy runners seeking to vary their winter workout on the one day the Empire State Building stairwell is open to foot traffic. A gimmick, perhaps, but also part of an extreme sport trend.

Tower running events, many of which benefit charities, are held in world skyscrapers, from Taipei, Taiwan, to Milan, that open stairwells just for the occasion. This weekend, races will be held in Chicago (“Hustle up the Hancock”) and Las Vegas (“Scale the Strat”), Denver, Des Moines, Grand Rapids, Mich., Omaha and Philadelphia.

“I find it a good cross-training event because it gets the heart and lungs pumping fairly hard,” said Andrew Femia, a New York triathlete who competes with his wife, Jeanette Baer, every other week in one running race or another.

“It’s 14 minutes of pain,” Mr. Femia, 35, said before the Run-Up. Or worse: he finished in 16:49, Ms. Baer in 21:33.

The couple trained by climbing the 13 floors to the top of their Manhattan building and then taking the elevator down — repeating 12 times.

Mr. Femia, a lawyer, said he tried to train in his 54-floor office building in lower Manhattan, but ran into a common obstacle in post-9/11 Manhattan office buildings: some stairwells are inaccessible except in an emergency.

Mr. Femia wrote two letters requesting permission, even offering to waive the building’s liability, but was told stair running was “completely impermissible.”

(A New York Department of State spokesman said no uniform state building code existed to close stairwells, but added that companies make independent decisions based on security.)
Debbie Blankfort and Suzanne Iovino, real estate agents, trained in the 21-story Blue Hill Plaza, Rockland County’s tallest building. Ben Oliner, 27, received permission to run the 22 floors of the Yale Club in Midtown because he teaches squash there.

As the No. 5-ranked United States squash player, Mr. Oliner said the exercise helped him develop strength in his gluteus, quadriceps and calf muscles, which he uses on court lunging and backpedaling for the ball. He won the preliminary division of the Run-Up in 13:15.

Dr. Bryant said that walking up stairs at a moderate intensity should burn 5 calories a minute for a 120-pound person, 7 for a 150-pound person, and 9 for a 180-pound person. Running stairs multiplies the caloric burn and the cardiovascular benefit.

Steven Loy, professor of kinesiology at California State University, Northridge, and a consultant for StairMaster in 1993, said stair climbing could appeal to those who were not competitive. “For people who are overweight and not as well conditioned, they may not be able to run, but they could climb stairs,” Mr. Loy said.

The impact on knees and feet is relatively low, with the pressure equivalent to two times one’s body weight walking up stairs (compared with three to four times when running), Dr. Bryant said. The pounding on the body going downstairs, however, equals six or seven times one’s body weight, he cautioned.

Sheri Harkness, 40, of East Stroudsburg, Pa., took the stairs to jump-start her final chapter in a dramatic weight-loss story. Weighing 282 pounds in 2007, Ms. Harkness devoted herself to a fitness routine and cut her food intake by half. She started working out on a treadmill (at first only able to go 3.1 miles an hour for 15 minutes) and worked up to an hour on the elliptical machine as she lost half her body weight.

Until three months ago, though, she had stayed away from the StairMaster. “I had always seen it in the gym as a little devil,” Ms. Harkness said.

She decided to tackle it to “shock off” the final 40 pounds she wanted to lose. She augmented stair workouts by running the stadium at East Stroudsburg University, and now weighs 140 pounds, with a goal of 15 more pounds in her sights. She ran up the Empire State Building in 23:10 last week — but thought the StairMaster remained the hardest exercise she’s ever done.
Mr. Loy described some drawbacks to tower running. “The lactic acid production is high,” he said. “And the higher you go, the worse you feel.”

“Personally,” he added, “It doesn’t appeal.”

Ronnie Guie has heard that before when recruiting others to take the stairs for a workout. “Believe me, I have tried,” he said. “They don’t have the discipline.”

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Lose Fat Live Healthy is going to give you a gift……

Beautifully, cut, sexy, buff arms! That’s right, it’s possible
............And we’re going to prove it to you!

You don’t get sexy arms without a bit of old school basics.
Follow these simple arm exercises and get results…..

Awesome arms that you’ll be proud to show off in the sexiest tank top!

While doing these exercises it’s extremely important to focus on your form and to make sure you are using the muscle that you intend on working. Often people think they’re working a specific muscle but compensate by using another muscle group to move the weight. Put your mind in the muscle, focus on the movement and go slow. Go progressively heavier with the weight and do fewer repetitions over time. Feel the burn and reap the benefits of all your hard work!

Do 3 sets of all of these exercises 1-2x’s a week.

Choose a weight that will fatigue your muscle by the last repetition, or use a medium tension resistance band.

Give yourself 30-60 seconds rest in between sets.

Always stand tall, with your shoulders back and your core tight.

Make sure to keep your elbows close to your waist palms facing up. Curl your hands into your shoulders and slowly resist gravity as you lower them back down to the starting position.

10 reps x 3 sets

Elbows close to your waist with palms facing each other. Curl your hands up and across your chest and slowly resist gravity on the way down.

10 reps x 3 sets

Stand tall, shoulders relaxed (no shrugging). Both hands starting at your ears, arms at a 90% angle, palms facing out. Press up and over your head.

12 reps x 3 sets

Bend at the waist and hold your arm in a 90% angle close to your body with your elbow in at your waist. Keep your elbow high as you push back the weight and extend your arm behind you. Make sure not to bend your wrist.

10 reps x 3 sets

Hold one weight over your head with palms facing in. Slowly lower the weight down behind you head and then squeeze up. The weight should travel down your neck giving you a good stretch in your triceps.

10 reps x 3 sets (each side)

Hold the weights at your sides. As you raise your arms out to the side you want your elbow and hand to be even. Keep your elbows slightly bent and raise your arms to shoulder height. Make sure to keep your shoulders down and relaxed! Your hands should be in line with your shoulder at the top of the movement.

10 reps x 3 sets

In Good Health!

Rachel and Linda


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is your Grocery List Sabotaging your Fat Loss?

Hey there, it's Mike Geary from Truth About Abs

I was at the grocery store today picking up some ingredients for a black bean & brown rice with seasoned venison strips dish I was planning to make, when an interesting thing happened.....

I had gone straight to the grocery store after training a couple clients at the gym. Well, as I was grabbing some frozen veggies, a friendly lady (who must have seen that I was a fitness coach from my shirt), asked me my advice on a couple frozen prepared box meals she was picking out (by the way, those prepared frozen meals are usually highly processed crap loaded with sodium and other chemicals).

Now I will say that this woman was VERY overweight, and she mentioned that she has "tried everything" to get rid of all of the excess body fat and always failed.

Keep in mind I hear about 50 people a day tell me they've "tried everything" to get in shape. The problem that they don't realize is that they're trying all of the wrong things...they're trying all of the gimmicks and fads that are out there instead of just adopting a TRUE healthy active lifestyle.

Back to the woman in the store...

So we started chatting about her struggles with getting in shape, and I began scanning her grocery cart. If I can remember, these were some of the contents she thought were healthy:

*Slim fast shakes (far from healthy...they're actually loaded with high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and a bunch of other chemicals)

*Fat Free Rice Cakes (ok...despite so many people believing these pieces of crap are healthy...they really are nothing but pure refined starch with zero fiber, which basically breaks down immediately into sugar in your body, spiking insulin and promoting fat storage...doesn't sound so good anymore, huh)

*Protein bars "Scientifically Slim Body Engineered" or some BS statement like that (I took a gander at the ingredient list of these so called "healthy" protein bars and sure enough... hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, and enough sugar alcohols to give you diarrhea for a week!)

*Canned fruit in syrup (I guess she could do worse here...but still, why not just eat fresh whole fruit which still contains the skins, fiber, active enzymes, etc, instead of resorting to processed, canned fruit that's been cooked and loaded with syrup)

*Reduced Sugar Dessert Cakes (ok, so these are loaded with artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, preservatives, and a chemical ingredient list about 15 lines long)

Do you see what's going on here? This is the same scenario that I see all the time.

Most people are fooled by what the FRONT OF THE BOX says; leading them to believe what they are buying is healthy. On all of these items, the FRONT of the packages had all kinds of great sounding things like "fat free", "reduced sugar", "high protein", "low cholesterol", "low carb", etc.

However, the TRUTH is on the BACK OF THE BOX! Ah yes, the ingredient list and nutrition info is where the real truth is. However, I've realized that most of the general public doesn't know how to fully understand the ingredient list and nutrition info, so they rely on the advertising claims on the front of the package to guide them.


If you notice, this woman thought she was doing great with her grocery shopping and buying all kinds of healthy stuff for her and her family.

In reality, EVERYTHING she was buying was highly processed and full of chemicals and industrially refined ingredients. No wonder "nothing has worked" for her to get in shape and lose the body fat... she actually hasn't been doing anything right. She's been mislead by all of the confusing marketing, labeling and conflicting nutrition info in the mass media.

If you want to discover the TRUTH about what it really takes to eat a truly healthy diet that maximizes your metabolism, brings your hormonal balance back to normal, reduces cravings, and strips off body fat faster than you'd believe is possible... it's all found in my Truth about Six Pack Abs program at Truth about abs

Here's what some of my readers from all over the globe are saying about their experiences with this program:

CLICK HERE ====> Truth About Abs Testimonials

Have fun and choose wisely on your next grocery store trip!

Feel free to pass this email on to any friends, family, or coworkers you think might enjoy this discussion.

Stay lean,

Mike Geary
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Certified Personal Trainer
Founder – Truth About Abs

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stop the Negativity and Find the "Power to Change"

By Linda Juranich- ACE Certified Personal Trainer

Recently I was faced with the challenge of pulling a person out of an emotional ditch and motivating her to be the best she could be. For a trainer that should be an easy task. Trainers are trained to encourage and excite people to be the best they can be through teaching exercise and good nutrition. But this person was extremely distraught due to lack of positive body image and self esteem. She was overweight and couldn’t see clear of a way to shed the extra pounds.

There’s a lot to be said about the psychology behind the motivation to become healthy and fit. It starts with the “between the ears” self talk that goes on when a person is overweight and struggling.

What makes a person get to the point when they are ready to make a change? How does one get to the crucial moment, the deciding factor that pushes a person to the point of committing themselves to working toward changing their body, their health, their life?

As an overweight kid growing up in an Italian household, the idea of dieting was eating one loaf of bread instead of two. Emotionally I felt defeated. Although I now look back at the Italian traditions with heartfelt memories, at the time I wanted to hide under a rock with my bowl of pasta in hand. There was no help in site with regard to losing weight. No remedies that I could grasp onto that would transform me into a thin young lady.

Like many others, my avoidance of committing myself to a weight loss plan was directly related to low self esteem, hating myself, my body image and the number I saw every time I stood on the scale. Where do I begin? The perception of losing weight and the struggle of the challenge frightened me and convinced me that it would be torturous. I was afraid of failing!

Human nature can be our worst enemy! It’s our ally when defending ourselves from pain and humiliation. A person will avoid facing the challenge of becoming fit until the pain of living in a fat body far outweighs the pain of the discipline of loosing the weight.

The crucial moment of change, “getting pushed to the edge” happens at different times for everyone. Usually the red light goes on because you’re afraid of gaining more weight and becoming bigger than you already are. Or maybe it’s seeing yourself in a photo and realizing how big you look, not fitting into stylish clothing or becoming a candidate for one of the many health risks that are attributed to obesity. The breaking point for me was that I refused to hit the 200lb mark and at that time in my life it wasn’t too far away. So, the real question is……..what is the trigger that will push you to the point of the crucial decision to change? It’s different for everyone, but the time inevitably comes.

Isn’t it easier to focus and commit from the beginning in order to avoid the pain of not committing at all. Consider how much time is lost by avoiding a situation and not giving yourself the time you deserve for you! Why is self discipline so difficult when it comes to taking care of our bodies and our health? We are disciplined enough to go to work, school, do our homework or take care of our homes, families, pets. So….why do we put off “being the best that we can be?”

Honestly, one of the main ingredients for losing weight and becoming fit is what’s going on between your ears! In your head! All the negative self talk; “I’m too fat”, “I can’t do it”, “nothing will work”, “where do I begin?” Sound familiar?

Well, I’m here to tell you that the first step, once you’ve reached the point of wanting to change, is to wipe out all of the negativity and start believing that you can do it! By retraining the voice in your head to say, “I can exercise and lose weight”, “I am on a solid diet plan that I enjoy and trust” and most important “I deserve the time to create a fit, healthy body” you will have the power to change!

The idea of accomplishing any goal can be overwhelming. In order to be successful you have to want it……and then begin by focusing on other accomplishments in your life. Try to recall the way you felt at the time you accomplished that goal, how it motivated you and the confidence it gave you. Write it down in a journal and apply those positive feelings to your goals to become fit. Refer back to your journal every time you feel all the negative self talk in your head.

You will see that over time you will turn your self defeatist attitude into a positive, supportive, appreciative attitude that will open the doors to a new healthier YOU! Don’t wait another day!

I hope you will take this first step! And keep in mind that I am always here to answer questions, provide motivation and support and help you take that first step to “being the best you can be”. You deserve that.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Linda's Bodyweight Fat Loss Circuit

"The weather was so beautiful this weekend it got us out of our heavy winter clothes and into our strappy summer cottons....
Here's a workout that will help you feel good about shedding the winter woolies and burning fat for summer fun!"

Linda's Bodyweight Fat Loss Circuit

Do each exercise as a circuit (no rest between exercises). At the end of the circuit, rest 30-60 sec and repeat 2-3 times depending on your fitness level.

1) Jumping Jacks --30

2) Bodyweight Squats --15

3) Push Ups --15

4) Front Lunge --12 each

5) Bench Dips --15

6)Step ups --15 each side

7) Plank --30sec's

8) Walk on treadmill at 4mph (10% incline) for 2min OR 10 burpees

This workout will get your heart rate up and get you sweating! You can do this workout ANYWHERE, because there is no equipment needed. So, no excuses....get yourselves moving! And enjoy!

For more bodyweight workouts that guarantee results go to Turbulence Training and download 4 weeks of FREE workouts!!!

Click here to download your FREE Bonus ==> http://Tinyurl.com/dbcxsb

In good health!

Linda and Rachel

Sunday, April 26, 2009

3 Tips to Healthier Eating and Faster Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, eating a healthy diet needs to be your first priority. Exercise is important but when it comes to weight loss, no matter how hard you workout, you can not “work off” a bad diet, period. So, keep in mind, diet is key when it comes to lifelong weight management. I hope this article gives you some simple, yet effective tips for you to make healthy changes in the way you eat on a daily basis.

1. It is important to eat some healthy fats in most of your meals. Even though most people are conditioned to stay away from fats, they are very important for maintaining proper fat burning and muscle building hormone levels in your body. Adequate healthy fats in your diet also aid in keeping your appetite in check.

The healthiest sources of dietary fats are raw nuts, seeds, egg yolks (from organic free range eggs), avocados, extra virgin olive oil (highest antioxidant content of olive oils), and grass-fed meats (a great source of the healthy fat, conjugated linoleic acid, which can help burn body fat and build muscle). Try to get some of these into your diet each day.

A great tip that I often do is -- eat a handful of raw nuts (pecans, walnuts, almonds are great healthy choices) a couple times a day, about 30 minutes prior to meals. This definitely helps suppress your appetite so you’re not starving by the time you eat. It gives your body some protein, fiber, and healthy fats so that you eat less calories overall at your meals and get more nutrition at the same time, due to the high nutrient density of most nuts.

2. Try to eat a high quality protein source with every meal, as well as any snacks you eat. Quality proteins such as lean meats, egg whites, fat-free or low-fat dairy and even plant sources, such as nuts and beans provides good appetite suppression so you can control your calorie intake easier throughout the day.

Getting sufficient quality proteins also helps you to build lean muscle (if you're working out hard regularly), which in turn increases your metabolism rate. Remember, the more lean muscle you have on your body, the faster your metabolism works, all day, even when you’re sleeping.

Eating sufficient protein at most of your meals also aids your body in controlling blood sugar and insulin levels by helping to slow the breakdown of ingested carbohydrates.

3. I am not a believer in “no-carb” diets. You need carbs to lose weight, as well as for energy and many other important reasons. The reason people struggle with weight loss is not because they eat carbs, it’s the carbs they choose to eat. The main weight loss struggle stems from eating excessive “processed” carbohydrates such as refined grain-based starches and refined sugars on a daily basis.

The natural sugars in whole fruits and berries are ok and encouraged, because the fiber in fruits helps to slow the blood sugar response in your body. Just make sure to avoid fruit juices, which are mostly sugar and have the fiber removed in processing the juice.

In my experience, when people start to minimize their grain consumption (from cereals, bagels, breads, pasta, etc), they start to lose body fat much easier. What I usually recommend is for people to minimize eating grains and focus on getting their carbohydrates through intake of solely fruits and vegetables. This simple step alone usually helps people to start managing their weight more easily.

Try to implement these 3 tips for eating a smarter, healthier diet and I guarantee you will start to see a leaner body and have more energy in no time.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, click on the link below and grab your free fat loss report which details 27 unique methods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Beat Fat With Breakfast

By Holly Rigsby, CPT-- FitYummyMummy

Breakfast is easily the most overlooked solution when it comes to effective fat burning tips. Studies consistently show that people, who regularly eat breakfast, eat fewer calories throughout the day, have better nutritional habits, and weigh less than those who choose to skip breakfast.

When it comes to your fat loss, your goal is to make your body burn more calories. Your metabolism is like a burning fire, how can you make the fire burn stronger without putting something on it to burn? Our bodies are burning fat and calories 24 hours a day, however, calories are burned at the slowest rate while we are sleeping. Without something to jump-start it in the morning, your metabolism may remain in slow motion throughout the day and any extra calories – no matter how healthy - will be stored as fat.

The act of eating and digesting supportive foods frequently, increases your metabolism so you can burn more fat and calories all day long. How to do it: Eat a supportive meal within an hour of waking. Feel like your always running late? No time to eat? The secret – get up 10-20 minutes earlier and keep it simple. Not only can you increase time spent with your family at the kitchen table, but making time to start your day off with a high protein, high fiber breakfast will boost your metabolism, your energy and your mood.

Because breakfast provides you with the energy you need to get through your day, the more energy you have, the more active you'll be and the more active you are, the more calories you burn. If you are not hungry first thing in the morning, try starting your day with a big glass of water or freshly brewed green tea. Proceed with your morning routine and plan to allow yourself about 10-15 minutes before you walk out the door to eat your breakfast.

If you like to exercise first thing in the morning, eat 30 to 45 minutes before your workout.
Try one of the following options:

1. Eat a light snack – yogurt or a piece of fruit. Eat your regular breakfast 30-45 minutes after your workout.

2. Eat half of your regular breakfast before the workout and the other half about 30-45 minutes after your workout.

3. Drink a meal replacement shake – quick and easy to make and for your body too digest. Watch out for "Protein/Breakfast Bars". Many of these items seem appealing for they are quick and easy; however the majority of these bars are loaded with sugar and fat. Check the nutrition facts.

Here are some breakfast fat loss favorites:

Cereal is a MUST. It's convenient, easy to prepare, easy to eat and full of nutrients – No…"Whole Grain Lucky Charms" does not fall into this category. Be sure to choose your cereals based on the information on the food label. The top choices should have: • 5 grams of Fiber or more • 8 grams of Sugar or LESS • Sugar not listed among the first 3 ingredients.

For all other breakfast options, be sure to include a protein, complex carbohydrate, and fresh or frozen fruit.

These are some of my favorites:

Oatmeal with natural peanut butter, cinnamon and a side of fresh berries.
Kashi Go Lean Crunch with skim milk and a banana.
Scrambled egg whites topped with salsa and shredded cheese wrapped in a whole wheat tortilla.
Meal Replacement Shake with a piece of fruit.

So if you're interested in fat loss, make sure you don't forget – breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

If you have a quick breakfast idea , we'd like to hear from you!
Post your comments below.

To your health!

Linda And Rachel

About the Author

Holly Rigsby is a nationally recognized women’s fitness coach, certified personal trainer (CPT) and the author of the internationally popular e-book – Fit Yummy Mummy - Burn Your Baby Fat & Get Your Body Back. Go to FitYummyMummy.com to get your FREE copy of her special report: "The Five Ways To Boost Your Metabolism."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The truth is that the candy lingers on for days possibly weeks after Easter has come and gone. The black jelly beans are most likely the last to go, the god foresaken marshmallow peeps are hard as rock and the chocolate bunnies are haunting you by calling out your name constantly!

It's tuesday, the second day after one of the most "sweetest" days of the year and I'm sure you're still trying to bounce back after being enticed by all the beautiful pastel colored candies and chocolates !

START NOW! Do what I do, THROW IT OUT or FREEZE IT! My old italian grandmother has engraved in my brain that I should never "shame the devil" and throw anything out. So, I freeze everything! I hide it away in the back of my extra freezer in the basement so not to be seen until the next year! (by then it's so freezer burn that nobody wants to take a chance breaking their teeth bitting into it)

Another thing, get yourself MOVING! And I mean moving! Go to the gym, walk, run, do interval training but DO SOMETHING! All those toxins need to escape your body and it's not going to happen with you sitting around carrying the aftermath of sugar .

Do what I did yesterday. Go to the store and stock up on fresh fruits and veggies! Stock your house and have all the right foods available. It makes sense, especially after contaminating yourself with processed sugary treats. Make a point of having fresh healthy foods available and instead of reaching for the chocolate eggs (you know the old excuse, "I'll just have one") reach for fresh veggies. You can even dunk those veggies in hummus. How about a handful of almonds. Did you know that almonds beat out the other nuts by having the highest protien content. They are the definition of a perfect snack!

I call the week after Easter my rebound week. Rebounding from holiday pudge and cleaning "house". It takes 3 days for your liver to process bad foods through your body.

What can help it along? WATER! Drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 cups a day. Clean clear water will help wash your sins away! Believe it or not, there are alot of people that are walking around dehydrated and don't even know it. Drink! It's good for every part of your body.
Let's face it. Spring has arrived and there is no time to fool around. Every day counts towards baring your skin in the summer sun. A combination of healthy foods and exercise goes very far when you're trying to recouperate and bounce back. Keep track of what you're eating this week (if so try every week) and make small managable goals to get you out of the holiday damage and kick you into high energy, metabolic mindfullness! Write everything down including your exercise that day. You're short on time, the kids, the dog, the house.......YOU owe it to yourself to take the few minutes to think clearly and write your food down. THAT is one of the things you can do that will keep you focused on your goals. And remember, I'm talking about mini goals. Small goals that lead into large goals. Don't focus on the big picture that'll drive you right to the candy dish! Pull the goals apart and make them micro. Your successes will come quicker and you'll feel so good about yourself and stay motivated. It's so important to believe in yourself and feel good from the inside out. Create yourself and turn yourself into a high metabolic machine by eating well and doing interval training workouts to burn the most amount of fat within a small amount of time.

You can do it! It's possible!

I learned an inspiring phrase from Weight Watchers many years ago that I will never forget.
"Thin doesn't taste as good as thin feels". Why can't we remember that when we're reaching for the oh so good sinful foods? Put yourself and your health first. You have one body, one life and one chance to be the best you can be!

To Your Health!

For more information on individualizing your diet and quick fat burning workouts go to The Diet Solution and Turbulence Training