Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The truth is that the candy lingers on for days possibly weeks after Easter has come and gone. The black jelly beans are most likely the last to go, the god foresaken marshmallow peeps are hard as rock and the chocolate bunnies are haunting you by calling out your name constantly!

It's tuesday, the second day after one of the most "sweetest" days of the year and I'm sure you're still trying to bounce back after being enticed by all the beautiful pastel colored candies and chocolates !

START NOW! Do what I do, THROW IT OUT or FREEZE IT! My old italian grandmother has engraved in my brain that I should never "shame the devil" and throw anything out. So, I freeze everything! I hide it away in the back of my extra freezer in the basement so not to be seen until the next year! (by then it's so freezer burn that nobody wants to take a chance breaking their teeth bitting into it)

Another thing, get yourself MOVING! And I mean moving! Go to the gym, walk, run, do interval training but DO SOMETHING! All those toxins need to escape your body and it's not going to happen with you sitting around carrying the aftermath of sugar .

Do what I did yesterday. Go to the store and stock up on fresh fruits and veggies! Stock your house and have all the right foods available. It makes sense, especially after contaminating yourself with processed sugary treats. Make a point of having fresh healthy foods available and instead of reaching for the chocolate eggs (you know the old excuse, "I'll just have one") reach for fresh veggies. You can even dunk those veggies in hummus. How about a handful of almonds. Did you know that almonds beat out the other nuts by having the highest protien content. They are the definition of a perfect snack!

I call the week after Easter my rebound week. Rebounding from holiday pudge and cleaning "house". It takes 3 days for your liver to process bad foods through your body.

What can help it along? WATER! Drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 cups a day. Clean clear water will help wash your sins away! Believe it or not, there are alot of people that are walking around dehydrated and don't even know it. Drink! It's good for every part of your body.
Let's face it. Spring has arrived and there is no time to fool around. Every day counts towards baring your skin in the summer sun. A combination of healthy foods and exercise goes very far when you're trying to recouperate and bounce back. Keep track of what you're eating this week (if so try every week) and make small managable goals to get you out of the holiday damage and kick you into high energy, metabolic mindfullness! Write everything down including your exercise that day. You're short on time, the kids, the dog, the house.......YOU owe it to yourself to take the few minutes to think clearly and write your food down. THAT is one of the things you can do that will keep you focused on your goals. And remember, I'm talking about mini goals. Small goals that lead into large goals. Don't focus on the big picture that'll drive you right to the candy dish! Pull the goals apart and make them micro. Your successes will come quicker and you'll feel so good about yourself and stay motivated. It's so important to believe in yourself and feel good from the inside out. Create yourself and turn yourself into a high metabolic machine by eating well and doing interval training workouts to burn the most amount of fat within a small amount of time.

You can do it! It's possible!

I learned an inspiring phrase from Weight Watchers many years ago that I will never forget.
"Thin doesn't taste as good as thin feels". Why can't we remember that when we're reaching for the oh so good sinful foods? Put yourself and your health first. You have one body, one life and one chance to be the best you can be!

To Your Health!

For more information on individualizing your diet and quick fat burning workouts go to The Diet Solution and Turbulence Training

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