Monday, May 25, 2009

Is it More than Just "Looking Great?"

For the people that don’t know me (outside of the cyberspace fitness world) and for the ones that do, I am not only a Personal Trainer, wife and mother but the proverbial “meat” on the sandwich of the “sandwich generation”. Meaning, I cater to and take care of my kids, husband, my lovely golden retriever Daisy May, the other kids on the block, animals and whoever else knocks on my door. In addition to all this craziness, I also take care of MY MOTHER.

Isn’t that what the definition of the “sandwich generation” is? The generation that takes care of their kids and parents at the same time.

As the old saying goes “when it rains it pours” and as for me, well there’s a black cloud over me that’s been creating thunder storms for a few weeks now. The clincher was a couple of days ago when my 76 year old mother lost her balance and fell while planting flowers in a pot on my front stoop. Thankfully, she didn’t seriously injure herself but did fracture her wrist and seriously hurt her hand. For an older woman this will set her back and will take a long time for her to recuperate. I’ve watched my mom struggle with pain, stiffness and arthritis for years now and can’t help to think that if she had followed an exercise routine and was more active as a young adult would she be suffering as much from her ailments today?

Rachel and I started because we truly believe from our hearts that part of living life to the fullest involves a healthy diet and exercise. By now most of you are familiar with the newsletters and articles we have sent out. We’ve written about healthy diets, poor nutrition, workouts that burn fat and boost metabolism, how to get tight abs, sexy arms and rock solid buns. Some of you embrace the information and crave for more. Others dismiss it thinking it’s not for you, too advanced, you’re not ready to commit, these workouts are only for gym rats yada, yada, yada…..BUT did you ever think that all the information that we send can be used as preventative medicine?

Eating healthy, exercising and living a fit life isn’t all about tight butts, sexy arms and ripped abs. Yes, they are all welcome benefits to being fit and who wouldn’t want a tight fit body to show off. BUT following a daily regimen of good healthy foods, plenty of water and staying active all adds up to a strong body, strong immune system and defying the odds when it comes to growing old. Let’s face it, as we get older we are more and more susceptible to illness and disease. If not taken care of, our bodies can break down and our bones can and will become weak and brittle. If my mom had years of moderate exercised behind her, maybe she wouldn’t have lost her balance and if so been strong enough to break her fall without fracturing her wrist.

As fitness professionals we encourage people to strengthen their bodies by offering them many different training methods that can and are intended to be modified for any level fitness enthusiast. Turbulence Training , Truth About Abs, and Better U Fitness are all programs that will strengthen your whole body starting with the Core. Stability and balance originate from the Core. A strong Core reduces risk of injury and helps in daily functions such as; lifting grocery bags, climbing steps, walking, running, reaching.

When we send out “sexy” arm workouts it’s not only to get sexy arms. Strong arms aid in lifting and carrying. A strong back helps with your posture. Strong legs will enable you to walk with a better stride and help climb stairs. All of which are preventative medicine that will enable you to journey through life healthy and fit.

Our nutritionist, Isabel Del Rosi, founder of The Diet Solution talks about eating healthy and how to create a healthy body with good nutrition and the dangers of aspartame and dairy. What works for different body types, for YOU! Again, preventative medicine!

Rachel and I are committed to building healthy bodies. When you open up our newsletters consider it to be an invitation to a new healthy you. Not just another workout to get ripped abs but rather ammunition to ward off all of the toxins that will take a toll on your body over time. It’s in our interest to modify any exercise in order to get the beginner started or to challenge the experienced athlete. The E-Books, we are currently working on, will be full of challenging workouts and information on how to get motivated and stay motivated, nutrition and helpful techniques to get you wearing the body and living the fit life you want and deserve!

To Your Health!

Rachel and Linda

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