Sunday, June 21, 2009

Upper Body Fat Burning Workout

Here's a challenging upper body workout that takes about 45 minutes to do. For any of you who have been following me, you know I tore my calf muscle the other day so I am limited as to what I can do. And if you know me personally, you can imagine how crazy its making me. Taking it easy is not my strength, but I am assuming this is my body's way of telling me I need to slow down. So, for a couple of days I rested and am now trying to be creative so that I don't have to totally stop exercising. Im just trying to be smart about it!

So here is the workout I did today--Do two sets for the warm up and then 2-3 sets for each circuit with 30 secs -1min rest between each circuit.

Warm up:
1) Bodyweight squats 15 (I didn't do these, but it's a good warm up exercise for you)
2) Pushups 10-15
3) Dumbell Swings 20

*Do two sets of above exercises and move on to workout

Circuit A:
1A) Pullups (substitute w/ Lat pulldowns if can't do pullups) 10
2A) 1 Arm overhead press 10 each

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Circuit B:
1B) Dumbbell Row 12
2B) DB Bench Press 10
3B) Stability Ball rollout 15

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Circuit C:
1C) Incline Bench Press 10
2C) Rear Delts 10

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Circuit D:
1D) Bicep curl 10
2D) Tricep Kickback 10
3D) Stability ball Jacknife 15

*Rest for 1 minute and repeat 2-3 more times

Enjoy the workout and let me know how you do.For additional workouts similar to the one above, please check out Turbulence Training <== Click here for more fat loss workouts.

Also, feel free to post any ideas, as to what I can do for the next few weeks of recovery. Any workout ideas would be great!!!!

Thank you!

Have a great day and a Happy Father's Day to all!!!

Rachel and Linda

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