Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Lose Fat Live Healthy is going to give you a gift……

Beautifully, cut, sexy, buff arms! That’s right, it’s possible
............And we’re going to prove it to you!

You don’t get sexy arms without a bit of old school basics.
Follow these simple arm exercises and get results…..

Awesome arms that you’ll be proud to show off in the sexiest tank top!

While doing these exercises it’s extremely important to focus on your form and to make sure you are using the muscle that you intend on working. Often people think they’re working a specific muscle but compensate by using another muscle group to move the weight. Put your mind in the muscle, focus on the movement and go slow. Go progressively heavier with the weight and do fewer repetitions over time. Feel the burn and reap the benefits of all your hard work!

Do 3 sets of all of these exercises 1-2x’s a week.

Choose a weight that will fatigue your muscle by the last repetition, or use a medium tension resistance band.

Give yourself 30-60 seconds rest in between sets.

Always stand tall, with your shoulders back and your core tight.

Make sure to keep your elbows close to your waist palms facing up. Curl your hands into your shoulders and slowly resist gravity as you lower them back down to the starting position.

10 reps x 3 sets

Elbows close to your waist with palms facing each other. Curl your hands up and across your chest and slowly resist gravity on the way down.

10 reps x 3 sets

Stand tall, shoulders relaxed (no shrugging). Both hands starting at your ears, arms at a 90% angle, palms facing out. Press up and over your head.

12 reps x 3 sets

Bend at the waist and hold your arm in a 90% angle close to your body with your elbow in at your waist. Keep your elbow high as you push back the weight and extend your arm behind you. Make sure not to bend your wrist.

10 reps x 3 sets

Hold one weight over your head with palms facing in. Slowly lower the weight down behind you head and then squeeze up. The weight should travel down your neck giving you a good stretch in your triceps.

10 reps x 3 sets (each side)

Hold the weights at your sides. As you raise your arms out to the side you want your elbow and hand to be even. Keep your elbows slightly bent and raise your arms to shoulder height. Make sure to keep your shoulders down and relaxed! Your hands should be in line with your shoulder at the top of the movement.

10 reps x 3 sets

In Good Health!

Rachel and Linda


  1. Thank you very much girls for all these wonderful tips . I just signed up in a GYM and these tips are definetly helping me A LOT!!!!!
    I will be sucessful with your help.
    Thank again.

  2. Thank you very much girls for all these wonderful tips . I just signed up in a GYM and these tips are definetly helping me A LOT!!!!!
    I will be sucessful with your help.
    Thank again.
